The summer scaries are here.
The summer scaries are that sinking feeling in your soul when you realize that it's the end of August and the last few weeks have been punctured by notes of "I can't believe summer's over" and "it went by so fast!". If you're a student then you're probably most affected, as August begins to feel like one long Sunday as you lament replacing free time with study time, and returning full throttle into a hectic semester.
Even if you've worked, as many of us have, all summer long, back to school mentality is a shared one, and the beginning of back to school signals that the party is over and it's time to get serious. There's nothing wrong with experiencing the summer scaries, and feeling anxious about Hot Girl summer being over, but it's important to remember that there's a reason for every season and change is a good thing.
The best thing about humanity is that we're all so different, even two people raised exactly the same will experience life differently but there are common threads that link us together and weave us into a society. Each season is a shared experience, and we've created rituals that help us survive and hopefully thrive until the next one. Summer is all about relaxing, experiencing nature and parties that go long into the night. Summer is about connecting, and leisure at will and that can be a hard thing to give up, which is why the summer scaries hit so hard.
Fret not, for fall (and spring) has the most renewing and transforming energies of all the seasons. Fall signifies growth and new beginnings. Close your eyes and imagine the night before your first day back to school. Your clothes have been picked out, your school supplies lay neatly tucked in your knapsack and you can hardly sleep as you think about old friends you'll see, the new friends you'll make and all of the experiences a new grade holds.
There's a magic in that back to school feeling, it holds such excitement for the new and unknown and an ambition to do well and start anew. That is a feeling we should all take with us as we leave summer behind.
Fall can be a rebirth, a time to go back inwards, with renewed energy from a well-rested summer. Yes, if you live in a place where the weather changes with the seasons, then it can be intimidating to think about the days getting shorter and the temperature dropping but there's joy to be found in that too, even if it's just in your wardrobe (fall hands down is the best season for clothes, seriously).
So, cheers to a summer well lived, and let's look forward to fall and all of its fresh beginnings.
Here's a diffuser recipe to help you feel calm, if you're dealing with the summer scaries:
Step 1: Fill up your Mood diffuser with warm temperature water
Step 2: Add 4 drops of Geranium essential oil (to uplift you)
Step 3: Add 3 drops of Lemon essential oil (to help you focus)
Step 4: Add 2 drops of Mandarin essential oil (to connect you to your inner child)
Step 5: Add 2 drops of Chamomile essential oil (to give gratitude for a summer well had)
Step 6: Breathe in deeply, and keep the blend going as you do something to help you wind down (ie. stretch, sing, dance, journal, phone a friend, etc.)